I have so many things to tell you guys about, I’m just not sure where to start. So I guess I’ll just start with the first thing that comes to mind……
Anna’s walking!! She's been taking 5 or 6 steps, but in the past couple of days, she's walking across the room and back. It's so funny to me to see her walking around like a big girl. A lot of the time she still prefers to crawl because I guess she realizes that it's faster for her right now. But I think soon, she'll be walking everywhere.
Next, let me tell you about all of the teeth she just recently cut. Wow! She had a few coming in at one time (two of them being molars) and that was a rough few days. We survived, but there were times that I wondered. She was not a happy camper. Running a fever, she had no appetite most of the days, and she was waking up a lot at night. Thank goodness it only lasted a week. At least this way I’ll get a break before the next one’s come in hopefully.
Ok, next up...Anna doesn’t say many words, but she talks ALL THE TIME!! She just rambles on about any thing at all. When we put her to bed at night or for a nap, she will lay in her crib for 30 minutes or more just talking to herself. You can tell she’s just chit-chatting with her stuffed animals or somebody. We joke that she’s talking in complete sentences; we just don’t understand the language. However, she is saying a few noticeable words, including “cookie.” Her babysitter has a dog named Cookie so Anna has started calling all dogs “cookie.” It really is too cute. Of course, I guess this will lead to some confusion when we offer her a cookie and she wonders why we want her to eat the dog. We’ll just cross that bridge when we get to it.