Saturday, December 27, 2008

Better than I ever imagined

Yes, Christmas this year was bigger and better than I ever dreamed it would be. Anna had a blast this year, but this year was better for me because I slowed down to enjoy it. I am normally a person who can't sit still, mainly because I'll fall asleep if I do, but because of this I miss out on a lot of quality time with Anna. I changed my ways the past few days. I have played with her for hours and not touched the laundry or dirty dishes. And even though it will take me through the end of next week to get caught up on work and chores, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

This picture was right before leaving for our church's candlelight service on Christmas Eve. Daddy was at work, but the two of us went.

After our service, we went to my brother's for dinner and then to their candlelight service. Afterwards, we came back to their house and put the girls in their matching pj's. Sooooo cute!!! Here they are giving each other a goodbye hug.

I have lots of pictures of Anna with all of her new toys, but there are too many to choose from. I'm sure you will see them in pictures along the way, but she got a new wagon, a tricycle, a 4-wheeler, a kitchen...... and those are just the big things. Imagine all of the little things and all of the clothes that she got!!!! Yeah, she had a great time!! I hope everyone else did too.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We've got some catching up to do.....

Let's go back in time a few weeks to November 16th. That was the day that Anna turned two!!! She had a great birthday party and got lots of perfect gifts. Let me share a few pictures...

She got a horsey!! And she absolutely loves the horsey. She got the perfect little tea set and a Mr. Potato Head. And she got a baby carrier. Do you think she likes it?????I promise you neither the tea set picture or the sleeping with the baby carrier picture are staged. Anna is responsible for both setups.

And here are a few pictures that Cherie did for us for Anna's 2nd birthday.

Ok, now that you've seen Anna turn two, let's fast forward to this past weekend. We put up the Christmas tree, and this year Anna got to help. She did such a good job, see.....

That's all for now, but the fun's just getting started. She's TWO!!!!