Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Anna's first real Halloween experience was too much fun. She was a pirate, mainly because she is just too cute when she says "argh!!" We went trick-or-treating with some of her friends, and she got to ride in the wagon with a monkey. :) At first she was kind of confused about what was going on...
But she soon figured out that at each door, she would get MORE candy!!
By the end of the night, she was enjoying her candy too!!! (Notice the chocolate covered mouth)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A wonderful Saturday!!

This morning, Anna and I packed up and headed to the Little Rock Zoo. Just the two of us. The weather was awesome. It was cool and crisp, I love it. And I believe 9 am on a Saturday has to be the best time to hit the zoo. For the first hour or so, I felt as if we were the only ones there, which was awesome because Anna could get out of the stroller and check things out for herself.
They have the grounds set up for the annual Boo at the Zoo, so there were some really interesting decorations to check out.

I love that Anna stopped to let me take her picture under this very appropriate sign. :)We got to see lots of animals, giraffes, lions, bears, you know, normal zoo animals, but I think the best thing that I saw was the great ape carrying around a stuffed bunny. You gotta love that.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Several of us headed to the Hardin Farms Pumpkin Patch a couple of weekends ago. We loaded up with kids, the wagon, ice chests and picnic lunches. The weather was perfect, and we all had a blast.

Anna picked her a pumpkin in the patch...

She rode the big slide and loved it...

Everytime she would get to the bottom, she would turn around and start heading back to the stairs. She would have stayed on the slide all day I believe, but there were other things to do. We had to move on...
She got her face painted with a cute little ghost with a pink bow and played on a little bit smaller slide (which she enjoyed almost as much as the big one)...

Oh, I really wasn't going to show this picture because I look like such a dork, but I'm just going to do it. Just don't ever tell me how hard you laughed...

Yeah, it took a lot of persuasion to get me on the slide. Obviously, I was not as excited about it as Anna was.

So there you have it, the pumpkin patch. :)