Sunday, November 15, 2009


I'm finally getting to watch the Disney movie "Up". I've been anxious to watch it since it was in the theater. I'm not sure why I have been so drawn to it, but it caught my attention from the beginning. I am about half way through it as I write this and it has not disappointed! I could probably watch those balloons carry that house across the bright blue sky a million times and not get tired of it. The colors are all perfect! And the characters are very entertaining! Carl is chasing the dream he and his wife always had. And Russell is a dorky little Wilderness Explorer trying to get his "assisting the elderly" badge. I can't believe that I'm enjoying it so much, but I truly am. Maybe you should watch it!

Update: Just finished the movie! I loved it!!!! The story was better than I imagined. I think this is going to be one that I purchase. And I'm so thankful they chose to have the balloons in all different colors! They are just beautiful!


Alison said...

Hey...thanks for the review...I've wondered about that movie. I'll have to rent it now.